Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lindsey's First Day of Kindergarten

The big first day of school finally arrived! Long story short, Jared and I planned on homeschooling since forever, but as summer drew to a close I could tell something was wrong and as we made it a matter of more prayer and fasting we came to the conclusion that we were going to be sending Lindsey to school. Not at all what either of us had planned, but it's amazing the peace that comes from making the right decision, even if it's not what we thought was right.
A few weeks before school started we were at the HMNS and Lindsey saw a necklace she loved. Jared snuck away and bought it and we gave it to Lindsey the night before school started. It was for her to wear to remember us :)
 It's a butterfly necklace.
Lindsey suprised us and was extremely excited about school-no hesitations at all. She's had her outfit picked out and sitting next to her backpack in her room for a few weeks now. Here she is on the big morning! 


Her brothers were caught up in the excitement too.

Walking to school. Normally, I'll drop her off at the front but the school lets us walk her in on the first day of school. So, we parked across the street. I'm grateful Jared could join us!

She found her seat and was right at home. She is in Mrs. Toval's class at Birkes Elementary in Cypress-Fairbanks ISD. We'd visited the classroom a week earlier so Lindsey was already familiar with it. It was such a blessing and further evidence that we were making a good choice seeing her so comfortable.

The boys and I went to the park after we dropped Lindsey off.

We sure do miss Lindsey at home but know she's doing great things at school too! We love our special Lindsey girl with all our hearts-an amazing daughter, a great older sister.

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