Lindsey got her bangs cut. They were due awhile ago but I was debating growing them out or cutting them. Finally decided to cut them and she didn't cry at all! Just a little shuddering. She earned herself some cakeMuch better than the screamfest last time! Give it a few weeks and it'll look good again (they always end up shorter than I care for but will look good soon. Her hair has just enough wave to make it hard for me).
Justin got his done-with much wiggling. Luckily, his hair is so fine and light you can't tell if it's not perfect! (I did the back a few weeks ago-got rid of the tail.) He doesn't have hair coming down the middle of his forehead and you don't have to tuck his hair behind his ears :)
Great Cuts! Even bald your kids would be cute!
Of course, I am bias!
Grandma O.
They look so distinquished with their new 'dos! Have you tried the cellophane tape trick with Lindsey's bangs? You can tape the bangs and cut above, beneath or through the middle of the tape, depending on how long her bangs are.
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