Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Last week, my mommy&me group (which I LOVE, by the way) was able to participate in a free SoccerTots class. It's not soccer class, but they do lots of physical activities including kicking soccer balls, ball handling, and other foot-stuff :) I didn't get pics of those activities, but of a few others. Lindsey LOVED the class! Halfway through the 50 minute class she got a little grumpy (not unusual) and told me she wanted to go home, and then immediately turned back around and ran back to the class! Funny girl!

The whole group:

Jumping over the 'high' noodle-I loved this because he held it up a few inches and Lindsey didn't think she could do it, but he got her to try (along with the other kids) and then would scoop it under them when they jumped. Lindsey was THRILLED she jumped the high noodle-it totally boosted her confidence.

Chasing the hula-hoop. He threw them across the gym and they had to chase them and grab them. The kiddos couldn't run fast enough to catch it and would run right behind it while it rolled all over the whole gym :-)

And, Mr. Justin, watched the whole class, but obviously has his heart set on a different sport!!


Jules said...

That looks like fun! And both the kids look so cute!

Clint.Nicole.Ryann.and James said...

What a fun class!

Anonymous said...

What GREAT pics. I love the noodles and jumping pics. Classes like that are so fun. Isn't it GREAT to see how the accomplishments boost their self esteem. That is what I love about sports teams. The confidence bulding.
Go for it Lindsey. Jump High!
Love you!
Grandma O

RaeAnn said...

Really cute pictures of the kidos.
Your family pictures from Christmas
are really great too. Tell them "hi" for me!!
Love ya!