I can't believe my baby boy is one year old! It's been a great year-he was a great baby, and we had a great party!
We held it at Grandma and Opa's house of course-it's more fun that way :) I didn't really plan on swimming (hence the diaper swimsuit), but how can you not? It's just so fun! Like, riding the butterly with Opa.
Splashing and splashing some more.
We then had a nice dinner-hamburgers on the grill and corn on the cob. Oh, and of course, a pickle courtesy of Grandma.
Which, surprisingly, he ate the whole thing! So, I offered another but he smiled and shook his head :) This is the picture of him after he stuffed it in his mouth.
A little corn on the cob, one of his new favorite foods.
And, of course everything tastes better poolside!
The birthday cakes. Lindsey helped decorate the whole one.
Singing happy birthday to Justin. He may look fixated on the candle, but he didn't even grab for it-just the cake :) Lindsey and I blew it out for him (this was better than Lindsey who moved so fast she grabbed hers at her first bday party and it made her cry)
Finding the frosting! So good...
A picture is worth a thousand words :)
Cake makes one thirsty!
We cleaned up his face-got the frosting off his eyes :) and blew some bubbles.
We didn't think to take him out of clothes BEFORE cake, and, being at Grandma's, we had no extras, so presents were opened in the nude. But nothing's cuter than a naked baby!
A toy two can enjoy!
Our big boy sporting some new clothes (thanks, Nicole!)
A fun time was had by all. And now we've got a little toddler. We love you, Justin!!!
What a cute little guy! I can't believe he is one already. Happy Birthday Justin!
Looking good in his new clothes!
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