Friday, July 20, 2012

Restoring Love

Our summer vacation this year was to Dallas, TX to a Glen Beck event called 'Restoring Love'. It was a great trip.  Noah even took a turn driving.

This was the third event Glen has held recently. It was in the Cowboy Stadium which is HUGE. Supposedly, the screen is as big as a basketball court.

We ended up getting there almost an hour early-not totally on purpose. So, what did we do? We sent Daddy to the concessions and took silly pictures while we waited.

It was a great event! The kids were so well behaved-

Glen had some amazing items that he'd borrowed including pieces of trees from the time of the Revolutionary war, and other artifacts from that time frame. It was such an uplifting event. He mostly spoke of just being better people-remembering this country was founded on Godly principles by good men, and remembering to help one another and spread love and service. This was interspersed with some fun, uplifting music too! The kids konked out near the end, but then we made it back to the hotel for a nice evening. I love family vacations and especially love uplifting, inspiring ones!

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