Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Dallas Vacation

**Disclaimer: This post is completely unorganized and not funny to read. There's no time to move photos and think of witty phrases! I'm just happy to get it posted. Plus, I can't cut and paste in blogger-it just cuts and dissapears! So-sorry. Enjoy anyway**
The playground at Dino World
On the dino walk.

All of us at Dinosaur World-if you live in Texas, you should go! If you don't live in Texas, you should still go.

At Dino World, Lindsey wanted to take a picture with this 'dino' aka trash can along the trail-there was maybe 10 of them and wanted a pic with all of them :)

The hotel campsite.

Justin Michael Oehring at Justin Werner Oehring's grave in Dallas.

Waiting out the fake storm in the Rainforest Cafe.

Being a great big sister and taking care of Justin while he's sick.

Eyeing the creepy, moving elephants while supposedly reading the menu. She kept saying "Let's get out of here."

Riding the carousel in the mall!

At the zoo. Honestly, not worth the trip-half of it was under construction, some cools animals but the animals were hard for the kids to see, and we had to pay to get in, and the stroller, and parking. I'll just stick to the Houston zoo!

Isn't this what a hotel is for?

At the Wiggles-themed play center, Lindsey LOVED doing this with Justin! He couldn't have cared less :)

A bit overdue, perhaps, and there are many other posts that are also overdue but will still get posted. In March, over the weekend of my birthday, Jared had a conference in Dallas so we all went with him b/c they paid hotel, gas, and his food. It was the MOST wonderful family vacation we've had in awhile! It was so much fun-despite Justin getting a stomach bug and throwing up down my shirt multiple times :) During the days, the kids and I hung out around Dallas, including the zoo, Grapevine Mills mall, another mall, and the Wiggly Playcenter. It was so much fun-Justin is a great traveler and Lindsey was just a joy! All being in the hotel room together I thought would be awful with kids on different nap schedules but it wasn't!!
It was the nicest hotel I've ever stayed at and with two business conferences being held that weekend and all the professionals there I felt slightly out of place in jeans and a shirt with two little ones in tow :) But the staff was SO kind to me!! Giving cookies to L, printing me directions to places around town.

On Sunday, after his conference ended, we went to the Rainforest Cafe for my birthday lunch! It was SO good-I got a yummy tortellini dish which is my favorite pasta and it was so fun! However, the moving animals and fake rain storm freaked the kids out and we each ate with one on our laps!

We got to visit Jared's brother's grave-he was born and died 8 days later while Jared was on his mission-we named Justin after him. It was special to do that.

Okay, long story short, Jared then took two extra days off work and we were going to go camping and decided on Dinosaur State Park (real fossilized dino footprints) in Glen Rose, TX but forgot to make reservations and it was spring break weekend so that and the other two state parks we were near were FULL. After driving out there, we didn't want to just come home so we got a hotel and set up the tent in the room for L to sleep in-she was happy. It was the BEST two days!! Justin was sick to his stomach so it was nice to be able to wash our clothes out in the bathtub :) and have warm beds to sleep in. We went to Dinosaur World which is a dino museum with a playground and over 100 life-size replicas! So awesome! And, swimming in the indoor pool. And eating out :) Couldn't have been a better break-just our family; enjoying eachother; nothing matters; life is sweet! (And this is the short version of the trip!For more pics, I think I'll put up an album on facebook soon. I just chose a few of the dozens we had)

1 comment:

Nelson & Valerie Cluff said...

I cant belive you set up a tent in the hotel. Ha! Sounds like a fun trip. Makes me want to go on a vacation...cant remember the last time we went....2 years ago maybe? :(