Monday, April 26, 2010

So overdue. So, Happy Birthday, Lindsey! :)

Well, our little miss Lindsey is three years old (as of March 30)!! What a fun girl she is!! My spunky, strong, fun girl!! We have our days but she still holds my heart :)

We had her party the Sunday before her birthday (just a family party, a friend party would have overwhelmed her, I think). But, on her actual birthday we went to the park and I found her by herself trying not to be happy! I snapped a few pics of her like this-priceless!! She recovered and had some fun. Funny girl :)

The sideways pic of the cake-I tried twice to get it straight. This was the cake she requested. First, it was a blue cloud cake she wanted, then it morphed into a whole scene "and grass is green and sky is blue and flowers" :) So, I did that. Nothing fancy, but good enough for a girl who I don't think had a single bite of it! She doesn't eat cake-just frosting and the ice cream we had too.

Opening lots of fun presents!

Lindsey requested two games at her party, "Duck, Duck Goose" and "Ring around the Rosie" You can figure which one this is :)

Enjoying the snacks and company!

Lindsey's Aunt Nicole and Uncle Clint sent her a package. We had to open it in the car. It was great-she got a new jumper (pictured), a ColorWonder booklet and something else...see next pics...

Now, if you want to make Lindsey's face explode in pure happiness the minute she opens her present like in this picture... just have to buy her some of this (candy!) Honestly, she loves her 'real' presents longer, but boy, does candy make her day!

Jared and I also celebrated birthdays in March-that's for the next post! (hopefully before Justin's birthday in May! :)


Clint.Nicole.Ryann.and James said...

Yup, that was the face I pictured when I saw the Ring Pops and knew Lindsey needed those to for her birthday. Love you lots Lindsey!

Unknown said...

She's so adorable! I remember when she was born; it's hard to imagine she's already grown. I'm glad she had a good birthday - the fact she was trying not to be happy was too cute.

Belated happy birthdays to you two!