Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Rest of the Birthday Stuff!

Seriously, Melissa, it's May already!

I know, but I wanted to get this stuff up, especially before Justin's birthday next week!! (I cannot believe he's one!!)

March is our busy month-my, Jared, and Lindsey's birthdays all come within a 15 day period!

Jared turned 3-0!!!!
I turned 26. Not too old, yet :)
Licking candles, of course!
Lindsey's uncle's girlfriend made her this beautiful skirt!! They are so hard to make, and take so much time! Lindsey loves it and it's beautiful!! Thank you, Stephanie!!
Who needs toys or presents when you have party hats??
Cousin Logan, aka a rhino maybe? I don't remember what he was being!
Cousin Seth!
Baby Justin!


Unknown said...

b-day hat pics are awesome!
I'ld love to frame them as a set for the wall!
Happy b-day Oehring's
Love Grandma Oehring.

Clint.Nicole.Ryann.and James said...

I love Lindsey's skirt, so pretty and cute. Now the real question...can you ever get her out of it again?

Unknown said...

I love the skirt! Nicole's got a point. And that one of Justin in a party hat is adorable, too! Happy birthdays, everyone!