Saturday, March 27, 2010

Houston Rodeo and Livestock Show

So, I wanted to go to the rodeo for my birthday this year, but it didn't happen. I did, however, get to go with some friends to the livestock show. It was a LONG day but really fun!! I enjoyed the birthing center with all the pregnant animals and thinking we'd get to see a cow give birth (didn't get to hang around long enough!) and the dandied nuts I bought for lunch. So good. I'd love to go again next year-I feel like I barely saw anything it was so big!

Milking a cow-it was fake and sprayed water :)

Chillin' on the back of our friend's dad's truck :)

My little cowgirl and cowboy!

Lindsey LOVED the tractor! More than I thought she would.

Serious determination driving the tractor!

1 comment:

CA Mom said...

That first picture made me do a double-take. Wow! A bull charging behind you and a cowboy upside took me a minute to see that it was a photo-op stop. Hope I'm right on that! Those pics are so darling. I love the hats on the little ones. It must be a pretty big and amazing show. Glad you got to go!